Sing to God from your Heart - Join The Music Ministry!
Saint Cecelia is regarded as the patron saint of music because she heard heavenly music in her heart. She was said to have “sung in her heart to God”.
Does your heart wish to sing? Then please consider joining the Music Ministry at St. Joseph.
Our choir sings at the 11:00am Mass on Sundays and rehearsals are held in the church at 7:30pm on Thursday nights.
If you would like to serve as Cantor we have music services Saturday 5:00pm, Sunday 9:00am, 1:00pm, 5:00pm, as well as for special occasions.
If you do not sing and play an instrument we can add your heart to our voices as well. Let us know what instruments you play!
Come get acquainted with a wonderful group of people and have fun sharing God’s gift of music with our community.
Please reach out to Kenny Pimentel to discuss joining our ministry.